water, mold or damp basement? Here are a few ways you can correct your water issue.
We will list them in three categorizes/solution
- Exterior – drainage, waterproofing, drain tile
- Interior – interior drain tile, drainage system, waterproofing
- Minimum approach – fill cracks, gutters

The exterior fix
Some basement waterproofing companies will only guarantee your basement from water leaks is to perform major work to the exterior foundation and grade. The thought here is to prevent water from ever getting into the house. This method is by far the best solution but also an expensive one. Unfortunately the best time to have done this approach was upon building the home in the first place.
Example of what takes place- Digging up the entire perimeter of the homes foundation, applying one of many patented waterproofing systems,(yes everyone has the “best system”) and then refilling the trench with gravel and dirt. The aftermath is landscaping, sidewalks, patios, porches, and all other exterior items that where located in the path.
Costs – $5000 on up realistically in the 15-30k range.
Final note – This approach generally will work and ensure no problems in the future
NARI Certified Remodeling Contractor
The interior fix
So in an effort to save some money companies have come up with systems that fix the problem from the inside. The thought here is to accept the fact that water will come into your basement and engages the problem from the interior. There are many patented systems for this also, they usually involve a perimeter drainage system along with an interior drain tile. Depending on the situation this can be done to a portion of the basement or the whole thing.
Example of what takes place – the concrete is cut along the wall approximately two feet from the wall, concrete is hauled out by buckets, dirt is removed, and a drain tile system is installed with a sump basket. Additional waterproofing can be done to the walls depending on if they are finished or not. The aftermath is some trim and finishing the flooring that was removed. There are guarantees for this but read the fine print as they only guarantee the area of work.
Costs can range 1-6k, but lots of factors can come into play here
Final note – This can be a very effective way to fix your water problem and not have to remortgage the house
The minimal Fix:
These are simple fixes such as gutters, grading or fixing the spot. If you have a crack in your foundation wall, filling the crack could fix the problem for some time or forever. Grading is an underutilized approach to fix water issues, but can be a simple fix. Gutters are a good way to get the water away from the home. These tend to work well but large rains for extended periods can make these also fail.
Costs- $25 – $3000 – most of these don’t require a contractor but should be done after a bit more research
Final thoughts – depending on your situation you may have a lot of options to consider, don’t feel overwhelmed and ask a lot of questions if you are hiring out the work. As always we are available at 763-439-2513 or visit us here.
Visit us at our water repair website here
NARI Certified Remodeling Contractor