Remodeling costs Minneapolis St. Paul, MN
What will my remodel cost me?
Remodeling costs for Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN
How much does it cost to remodel a bathroom or a kitchen? What does it cost for a home remodeling project in Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN area? The best and only accurate way is to get drawings, make selections and put together a scope of work. We always say the devil is in the details, so never trust an estimate without specifics. If the contractor doesn’t want to give you details this is a sure sign that it may not fit what your needs are. Most people don’t have an idea of what the cost would be, so if you just want a range $100 to $800 per square foot can be used. For a 100 square foot project this would give you a range of $10,000 to $80,000, quite the range in price we know. The larger the project the lower the square foot number usually goes. While $800 per square foot is out of the world for most people’s needs and expectations, $100 a square foot could be well too low for what the actual project cost would be.
So the job could cost $10,000 or all the way to $80,000, why is that? Well it could be many things and reasons. Size, selections, location, needs, plans, and current infrastructure are all things that come into the equation when it comes to a jobs true costs.
Here is a list of what typical jobs have cost us to perform for our clients in the Twin Cities.
Remodeling costs for Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN
Kitchen remodels – our average cost is $45,000, a good range for most kitchens is $26,000 to $65,000.
Bathroom remodels our average cost is $13,000, a good range for most bathrooms is $11,000-$19,000.
Master/large bathroom remodels our average is $28,000, a good range for most large bathrooms is $20,000-$40,000
Home Additions -Our average is about $75,000, these tend to range in cost we have done projects $35,000 all the way up to $300,000 for this type of remodel
Basement remodel or finish our average is about $48,000 with a range of $25,000- $100,000 is common
Garages – our average garage is $27,500 while a range of our projects have been $20,000 to $50,000
Vinyl siding – Our average siding job is about $12,000
Roofing replacement – Our average is $9,000
As owner of Attics to Basements David Vinje is a NARI certified remodeler, Certified aging in place Specialist, and a certified home energy auditor. Has 18 years of experience remodeling and building homes.
If you live in the Twin Cities Metro area and would like more information or a free consultation please call us at 763-439-2513 or visit or website here
Thank you for reading our blog on typical remodeling costs for Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN! Hope you find it helpful in researching your own project.